Our current lot of Black Lentils contains traces of Wheat.
Sprouting Directions
Grow Sprouts! Jar Method
Soak: Put 1/4 cup seed in a wide mouth jar with a sprouting lid. Add water, swirl, and drain. Refill jar with water and soak 6-12 hours. Drain well and invert jar at an angle on a sprouting rack, or in a bowl or drain rack.
Rinse: Twice a day, refill jar with cool water, swirl, and drain.
Enjoy! Ready to eat in 4-5 days. Refrigerate to store.
Helpful tips:
- Some sprouts tend to clump together as they grow. To separate, fill the jar with water, remove the screen and stir gently with a fork. Remove hulls if desired. Drain as usual.
- The drier they are the better sprouts keep. Be sure to let sprouts grow another half day after the final sorting rinse before storing in the fridge. Optional: put folded paper towel on top of the sprouts in the jar. Put lid on and refrigerate turned upside down. This removes excess moisture.
- If your home is very warm during the summer months, it may help to rinse the sprouts three times a day with cool water.
5 kg
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