How to Grow Sprouts?
Here's what you need:
- A wide-mouthed jar
- A bowl or drain rack that allows you to invert the jar at an angle.
- A sprouting lid, or some screen or netting with a rubber band.
- Fresh water. If you would drink the water then it’s fine to use!
- Seeds with good germination, preferably grown organically for human consumption.
- There are also numerous other methods such as an EasySprout sprouter or Hemp Bag. It’s as easy as following the directions provided! (Please note that we do not carry plastic multi-tiered sprouters. They work very well for many people, but if you have any amount of hard water or if you’re growing sprouts that are sensitive to water such as broccoli they can cause rot or mould problems.)
Put 1-2 tbsp of small seed, or ¼ – ½ cup of large seed in the jar. Rinse with water and drain. Add water to the jar and let the seeds soak in the jar for approximately 2 hours (broccoli family), 6 hours (small seeds) or 12 hours (bigger grains or beans) in enough water to allow them to swell completely. Affix your sprouting lid or screen and rubber band. After soaking, pour out the water through the screen.
Place the jar away from direct sunlight upside down and on an angle to allow the excess water to drain out and air to circulate. Rinse twice daily.
If you sprouted beans or grains for 2 days, they are now ready to eat without a final rinse and leftovers can be stored in the fridge. After 4-5 days of sprouting, leafy sprouts should be rinsed as usual, grown for half a day more and stored in the refrigerator. That’s it!
Well drained sprouts should keep well in the fridge for up to 10 days. Optional: put folded paper towel on top of the sprouts in the jar. Put lid on and refrigerate turned upside down. This removes excess moisture.
Helpful tips:
- Some sprouts tend to clump together as they grow. To separate, fill the jar with water, remove the screen and stir gently with a fork. Remove hulls if desired. Drain as usual.
- The drier they are the better sprouts keep. Be sure to let sprouts grown another half day after the final rinse before storing in the fridge.
- To remove the hulls from leafy sprouts, use a special final rinse. Pull sprouts out of the jar into a sink or big bowl filled with water. Swish gently using fingers to separate the tangled roots. The hulls will separate and rinse or sink. Discard the hulls and return the sprouts to the jar.
- Some brassicas like radish and broccoli develop very fuzzy root hairs that can be mistaken for mould.
Types of Sprouts To Grow
Ancient Eastern Blend
Barley, Hulless
Barley, Hulls On
Beans, Adzuki
Beans, Crunchy Bean Mix
Beans, Mung
Broccoli Brassica Blend
Broccoli Raab (Rapini)
Buckwheat, Hulls On
Cabbage, Red
Chia, Black
Clover, Red
Curly Cress
Flax, Brown
Garlic Chives
Kale, Green
Kale, Pink
Lentis, Black
Lentils, Crimson
Lentils, French Green
Lentils, Large Green
Lentils, Small Green
Lentils, Spicy Lentil Crunch
Lentils, Super Spicy Lentil Crunch
Mustard, Brown
Mustard, Mizuna
Mustard, Oriental
Mustard, Red
Mustard, Tat Soi
Mustard, Tokyo Bekana
Oats, Hulless
Peanuts, Raw Shelled
Peas, Dwarf Grey Sugar
Peas, Green
Peas, Marrowfat
Peas, Oregon Giant
Peas, Speckled
Peas, Yellow
Quinoa, Black
Quinoa, White
Radish, China Rose
Radish, Daikon
Radish, Kaiware
Radish, Red Daikon
Radish, Triton
Sandwich Booster
Spelt, Dehulled
Spring Salad
Sunflower, Black Oilseed
Swiss Chard
Wheat, Hard Red Spring
Wheat, Kamut® Khorasan
Wheat, Soft White Winter
Wheat, Winter