General Questions
Click the account icon on the upper right corner of the screen. From there you can select “edit your password”. If you have any trouble, please let us know as we’re happy to help!
Click the user icon at the top right of the screen. This will take you to your dashboard. Once on this screen click the “orders” on the left hand of the screen and you will be taken to any historical orders you have placed with your account.
Log in with the account you would like to update. Once logged in click the user icon at the top right of the webpage. This should take you to the “dashboard” section of your user account. There is a message that states ” From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping/billing addresses, and edit your account details and password.” Within that statement if you click the hyperlinked words “shipping and billing addresses” this will then take you to the webpage where you can update this information for future orders.
Log in with the account you would like to update. Once logged in click the user icon at the top right of the webpage. This should take you to the “dashboard” section of your user account. There is a message that states ” From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping/billing addresses, and edit your account details and password.” Within that statement if you click the hyperlinked words “shipping and billing addresses” this will then take you to the webpage where you can update this information for future orders.
On the account dashboard click the “payment methods” on the left side of the page. Once on this page click “add payment method” this will then take you to a page with a prompt for the credit card information.
On the login page under the “password” text box is a hyperlink stating “Lost your password” Click this and you will be taken to a page were the email of the account is requested. Once the email has been entered, click reset password. If the email entered is associated with any user accounts you will receive an email indicating how to reset your password.
Customer Support
Our Guarantee
We guarantee that our seeds will sprout well for a year after purchase, if stored in a cool, dry place. (Seeds stored in the fridge or freezer may even last longer than a year!)
Is your sprouting seed not growing the way it should? Please let us know right away and we’ll help you get to the bottom of the issue. If we find that the seed has lost its sprouting quality we’ll offer a full refund.
Did you order too much seed or change your mind? Ship any unopened seed or equipment back to us for a full refund. (You will need to cover the cost of return shipping. Please include a copy of your original invoice with the return.) US customers: be sure to include a copy of the original invoice with the return or the shipment will not clear customs.
Need help?
Contact us at mumms@sprouting.com for questions related to refunds and returns.
A: To keep updated on our latest products, discounts and other news, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.
A: In most cases, orders are declined due to a mismatch of address, zip code, or security code. The information you provide must be correct and must match the information your credit card company has on file.
If you have checked your information and it appears correct, please contact us to so we can help troubleshoot the problem, and if you’d like, you can also place your order with us over the phone.
Orders within Canada are shipped via Canada Post. We try to ship orders within two business days, but occasionally we will be backlogged. Please check our online store for such notices. Parcels usually take 5-7 business days after being shipped to reach most locations in Canada.
Shipments to the US can be rather erratic, as they can get held in customs occasionally. They always seem to get to our customers, but the minimum time is about 8 days in transit, and they can be as late as 3 weeks. We try to ship orders in less than 2 business days, but occasionally we will be backlogged. Check our online store for such notices.
A: Sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page for updates.
A: For these sizes of bags please contact us, letting us know where you live.
Sprouting Questions
A: Quoted from The Wonders of Sprouting by Lucie Desjarlais, RNC
“Lots of reasons! They carry plenty of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes, all necessary for the body to function optimally. In addition to providing the greatest amount of these nutrients, sprouts deliver them in a form that is easily digested and assimilated. In fact, they improve the efficiency of digestion. Sprouts are also deliciously fresh and colourful!
Sprouts are very inexpensive (even when organic), always fresh (they grow until you chew them) and have the potential to help solve hunger and malnutrition problems in our communities and in developing countries, because they are so rich in nutrients, affordable, and easy to transport before sprouting. Sprouts are precious in winter, when the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is declining as their price increases.”
“(Sprouts) supply the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. of any food per unit of calorie.”
“…sprouts nourish and strengthen the whole body, including the vital immune system.”
A: Hulls are fine to eat, but sprouts will be even prettier with the hulls removed. Put finished sprouts in as sink of cold water and swirl to separate. Remove sprouts by the handful, rinsing under the tap. Most hulls should be left in the sink. Drain the sprouts and allow to dry off before storing in fridge.
- Keep growing area moist, even lay light plastic over the growing sprouts to keep moisture in. Don’t allow the sprouts to get moisture stressed.
- Grow as long as possible.
- Brush tops of full grown shoots vigorously with your hand to dislodge more hulls.
A: Nutrition of sprouts is an exciting area. New information is being released all the time, as scientists continue to study the health benefits of this ancient food.
Visit our Health Benefits of Sprouts page to find links to exciting new research and information. please add link to our Health Benefits page
There is basic information (on some sprouts) in a searchable scientific format available from the USDA here. (Hint- search using “sprout”) link – http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/
The International Sprout Growers Association has some good information on its site. link- http://www.isga-sprouts.org/about-sprouts/nutritional-advantages-of-sprouts/
A:Sprouts, like any fresh live food, carry risk of pathogen contamination Small risk, but we take it very seriously. Each lot sampled as it arrives in our warehouse Samples sent to an independent lab to be sprouted and tested for salmonella and ecoli
We sell only certified organic seed Vital source of nutrition for many civilizations for 5000 years Highest amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes of any food per calorie unit Sprouts bolster immune system
A: Sprouts are the first stage of a plants development, microgreens the second. They are grown hydroponically and without medium, and are keep moist and at room temperature until they germinate. The entire sprout is consumed, including the root.
Microgreens are grown in a medium (soil or otherwise). They are harvested after they have established roots and opened their cotyledons. Only the stems and leaves are consumed; they are harvested above their roots.
A: Seed storage life varies with seed type and with storage conditions. Usually they are good for at least a year at cool dry room temperature. If refrigerated, they should be good for several years, and if frozen they’ll last almost indefinitely.
A: The Mumm family has been growing seed on their farm for over 30 years. Hazleridge Farm, the Mumm family farm, is quite small, and so for many years now the Mumm’s have also been partnering with other organic farmers who produce high quality sprouting seed. About 85% of our seed comes from organic farms in Western Canada. Seed that doesn’t grow well in our climate is sourced from organic farms outside of Canada.
A: We carry many heirloom varieties such as genovese basil, arugula, buckwheat, kamut, mustards, daikon radish, dwarf grey sugar peas, and others. The definition of heirloom seed is still fiercely debated. (Please see the definition from Wikipedia below.) So keep in mind that non-heirloom seed does not necessarily mean that the seed is hybrid. Organic farmers around the world are still using the beautiful art of traditional plant breeding, and although these new cultivars aren’t heirloom, they are often still bred using the traditional methods of farmers who bred heirloom varieties 50-100 years ago.
A: We’re so glad to hear that you’re aware of the danger of GMOs in our food system, and that you’re actively working to consume foods that are GMO-free!
Yes, all of the seeds we sell are non-GMO and certified organic.
As a side note, our family has been actively involved in the fight against GMOs for years. We’re working at the issue on a number of different fronts. Here are links to some of the campaigns we’re involved in:
- http://www.cban.ca/
- http://www.pubpat.org/monsanto-seed-patents.htm
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss_a3KjyKZQ
(A video of myself speaking to a crowd of supporters outside of the first oral argument in our lawsuit against Monsanto.)
A: Organic is the only type of agriculture with a set of principles that puts nature first. These principles are enshrined in industry-developed standards approved by consumers and verified annually by third party organizations. As of 2009, federalorganic standards are now backed by government regulation and oversight. Organic standards are based on seven general principles:
- Protect the environment, minimize soil degradation and erosion, decrease pollution, optimize biological productivity and promote a sound state of health.
- Maintain long-term soil fertility by optimizing conditions for biological activity within the soil.
- Maintain biological diversity within the system.
- Recycle materials and resources to the greatest extent possible within the enterprise.
- Provide attentive care that promotes the health and meets the behavioural needs of livestock.
- Prepare organic products, emphasizing careful processing, and handling methods in order to maintain the organic integrity and vital qualities of the products at all stages of production
- Rely on renewable resources in locally organized agricultural systems. CAN/CGSB – 32.310 -2006
Source: Canadian Organic Growers
A: COR stands for Canadian Organic Regime. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has implemented national standards for organic agriculture. Visit their website.
A: NOP stands for the National Organic Program which is overseen by the USDA. Visit their website for more information. http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/nop
Growing Sprouts
A: Most of us in North America depend on fresh produce that is transported across half a continent. Though we may garden in the summer, winter stops all but the most dedicated, or most southern, gardeners. Home sprouting can supply delicious fresh food, without the environmental drawbacks of the Mega-farm produced fresh produce, and at a fraction of the cost. Sprouting at home takes only a few seconds a day and can produce a good part of your daily requirements of the nutrients you need from fresh produce. The hassles are minor, the costs are low, and the freshness is wonderful. If you can supply a jar, some screen or netting, and rinse the sprouts twice a day, you can grow delicious organic sprouts in 4 to 6 days.
- A jar, 1 litre to 4 litre (1 qt. to gallon) size, depending on your appetite for sprouts and the size of your family.
- A bowl of the right size and weight to prop up the jar.
- A sprouting lid, or screen or netting and a rubber band.
- Fresh water.
- Seeds with good germination, preferably grown organically. Avoid purchased garden seeds unless you know they aren’t treated. Most natural food stores have the common sprouting seeds; if in doubt, ask if it’s organic. If you know a farmer who grows the seeds you want without chemicals, buy in bulk. Most sees keep for a year in a cool dry place.
- You can also use a home sprouting device, such as the SproutMaster. Follow the directions that come with the device.
A: Let the seeds soak for approximately 2 hours (broccoli family), 6 hours (small seeds) or 12 hours (bigger grains or beans). Mucilaginous seeds cress, arugula, chia, flax, basil – do not soak, just mist to keep moist. These are ideals – if in doubt soak less rather than more. If you do over soak, just carry on, it will probably be OK.
A: Yes, you can still grow sprouts without a window or direct sunlight. Sprouts grow best in indirect light. Direct sunlight can actually harm these fragile baby plants.
Many sprouts such as lentils and chickpeas don’t require any light at all.
Any sprouts with green leaves (alfalfa, red clover, wheatgrass, sunflower shoots, etc) will require a bit of light to green up. Indirect sunlight is great, but if you don’t have access to a window you can also use an indoor light. Any type of light will do, as long as it’s not so close to the sprouts.
Mung beans and popcorn need to be grown in the dark. If they’re exposed to light, the leaves will become bitter.
A: Broccoli naturally has a stronger smell than other sprouts, but if the smell is very strong or offensive, there may have been over soaked or not drained well enough. Broccoli family sprouts are very sensitive to too much water or poor drainage. Try cutting the soak time to 1 or 2 hours. Drain very thoroughly after each rinsing, tilting and tapping to remove the excess water.
A: Your radish sprouts are just fine. Radish and some other related plants will send out fine white root hairs searching for moisture if conditions are a little dry. Try watering a little more. If you see green or black fuzz though, discard that area with a good margin around it.
A: Growing Wheatgrass is fun and easy!
For a 11″x 21″ greenhouse tray you’ll need:
- One greenhouse tray, without drainage. (option – one 11×21 or two 11×11″ trays with drainage to fit inside each undrained tray.)
- Wheat seed (wheatberries) preferably organically grown, about 1.5 cup, 275 g, 10 oz. Spring wheat and winter wheat are both fine, as long as they are healthy seed suited for wheatgrass.
- One of – baby blanket (felted jute matting) or unbleached paper towels (not commercial growing) to fit the tray. (option – you can use soil or compost, but you’ll need a tray with drainage, and something to catch drips)
- Polyethylene sheet large enough to cover the tray. This is used to keep moisture in during the early stages of sprouting.
- Option – spray bottle for moistening seeds.
- Option – Kelpman kelp fertilizer, mixed according to directions.
Day 1
Wash the seeds in clean water, drain, and refill container to soak the seeds for 8 to 12 hours. (option – soak seeds in Kelpman solution) – Line the tray with baby blanket, or a couple of layers of unbleached paper towels. Saturate the liner with water and drain off excess. (not necessary for commercial growing) – Spread the soaked seeds as evenly as you can over the wet liner. It should be approximately one layer of seeds. – Loosely cover with the poly sheet, to keep in moisture.
Day 2 and 3
Lift plastic and spray or sprinkle seeds to keep moist. They should be moist but not standing in any water.
Day 4
Wheat should be starting to grip the towel or baby blanket. If firmly attached, you may be able to lift the matting and pour 1/2 cup water into the tray.
Day 5
Add approximately 1/2 cup water daily. Adjust to your conditions, more water if it seems too dry, less if too wet. You can allow the leaves to lift the loose polyethylene cover, in dry conditions. Remove if conditions are moist or mould is noted.
Day 6 to 9
Continue adding water every day. (option – you can use Kelpman solution for some of the watering) You may need to increase the water quantity a bit as the wheatgrass gets taller.
Day 10 and beyond
Cut the wheatgrass as needed, with a scissors or sharp knife. Cut close to the roots, but above any traces of mould that might be evident at the root level. Rinse and juice with a wheatgrass juicer, or grind in a blender with water and strain.
If you continue to water the wheatgrass, the remainder will continue to grow for 5 or 10 more days as you use it. (mostly in soil only you will get a second crop)
- Grows OK between 60F and 75F, ideal temperature is 67F.
- Pre-sprout the wheat for a day or two in a jar or sprout bag to shorten the growing time in the tray. (not for commercial growing)
- Avoid direct sunlight, bright indirect light is OK. Fluorescent light is OK as well. -Dry air is preferable to humid, if mould is a problem.
- A fan to move air might also be useful if mould is a problem. -Wheatgrass can be cut as short as 3.5″ tall, may get 7 or 8 inches tall.
- An 11x22inch tray can produce about 8 to 20 oz. of juice when harvested and juiced. Quantity depends on the juicer used and the growth stage.
A: Some hints to reduce mold on wheatgrass.
- Air movement helps.
- Remove any tray cover.
- Plant a bit thinner.
- Don’t over or under water.
Please get in touch with us if the problem persists.
A: Dampen an unglazed clay pot bottom or tray lined with Baby Blanket, unbleached paper towel or coffee filter, or soil. Sprinkle lightly with dry seeds, leaving space between the seeds. Spray lightly with water until damp but not too wet. Preserve moisture by loosely covering seeds with clear plastic.
Spray lightly with water twice a day. Keep damp, but not too wet. When established, sprouts can be rinsed under a slow flowing tap.
Enjoy! Readyin 4-8 days.
Gelatinous seed can also be added to regular sprouting seeds ( alfalfa, lentils, etc.) in a jar or sprouter. Don’t add too much, around 5 or 10% should be just right.
A: Tap water is very convenient for routine rinsing. If you’re comfortable drinking your tap water, then it will be just fine for sprouting.
A simple trick to improve city tap water is to fill a big open container of cold water at night, and in the morning you’ll have dechlorinated tap water, since most of the chlorine evaporates overnight. If you have a water filter, it’s even better!
A: One trick is to put your sprouters on top of the fridge where the warm air circulates, and the sprouts behave like it’s summer. You can also put them in the oven with the oven light on and the door slightly open. Don’t turn on your oven!
A: Rinse your sprouts with colder water. Give them and extra rinse per day if they are very hot in the jar. Make sure to stir the sprouts if they are clumping to get the cold water into the centre. If you are absent all day, choose an area of the house where it is cooler. If the temperature in your house is around 30 C or more, it might be difficult to sprout the leafy varieties, especially mustard and broccoli. Beans and grains don’t seem to mind.
A: For those who want to add a touch of enhanced nutritional value, you can add liquid kelp to your soak water. The seeds, while swelling, absorb some of the minerals from the kelp dissolved in the water, and deliver them to you, ready for absorption. This can become a regular source of some rare trace minerals often missing in our diet, like iodine, which help the body ward off degenerative diseases.
Aboslutely. If you have to leave home for a few days, simply put a lid on your jar or tray and pop it in the fridge. When you return, rinse and continue sprouting as usual.
Growing Microgreens
A: Roots of most microgreens not mature enough to pull nutrients from soil. Most nutrients in sprouts & microgreens come from seed itself (also a bit from water).
Any microgreens grown for longer than 10 days will do better grown in soil than without.
Wheatgrass tested in a University of Massachusetts study- virtually same vitamin and mineral content grown hydroponically or in soil. That said, some people find them to be slightly sweeter tasting when grown in high quality organic soil.
Barley, Hulls On
Broccoli Brassica Blend
Broccoli Raab (Rapini)
Buckwheat, Hulls On
Cabbage, Red
Chia, Black
Curly Cress
Garlic Chives
Kale, Green
Mustard, Tat Soi
Mustard, Red
Mustard, Mizuna
Mustard, Brown
Mustard, Oriental
Mustard, Tokyo Bekana
Peas, Dwarf Grey Sugar
Peas, Green
Peas, Yellow
Peas, Speckled
Radish, Triton
Radish, Red Daikon
Radish, China Rose
Radish, Daikon
Sunflower, Black Oilseed
Swiss Chard
Wheat, Hard Red Spring
Commercial Growing
A: Concentrate on supplying greens or sprouts that aren’t available locally, or that aren’t available organically grown. Always strive to have fresher sprouts than the competition.